This week I was super busy with final projects so I made another easy snack box like last week, but I decided to base it off one of my favourite lunches growing up, Lunchables! I didn’t get Lunchables often, which is why it was always such a treat.
This lunch was perfect for my inquiry, as it was quick, easy and healthy! It was also perfect for this week, as it took me less than 10 minutes to make all five lunches for the week (and I was very busy). It was also easy to eat because I was able to pick at it while I worked on my computer. Not to mention, it kept well in the fridge throughout the week. My only problem was that the cheese got a little “sweaty” throughout the day, and the carrots got a little dry, but it still tasted okay.
Adult Lunchable
- Sliced turkey deli meat
- Pre-sliced marble cheese
- Carrots
- Crackers
- Mini hummus
- Fold the sliced turkey in half twice (fold the same way) and then cut it in half. Stack the two pieces on top of each other and place them in the corner of the container. Repeat until you feel like you have enough turkey.
- Fold the sliced cheese in half twice (fold opposite ways) and then cut it in half. Stack the cheese on top of each other and place it in the other corner of the container (beside the turkey). Repeat until you feel you have enough cheese.
- Place the mini hummus into the container beside the turkey and cheese.
- Place some carrots into the container around the turkey, cheese and hummus, leaving room for the crackers.
- Stuff the crackers into the container between the carrots, hummus and wall of the container.
- Put the lid on and place it in the fridge with a granola bar on top, for an easy to access grab-and-go.
This lunch held together very well throughout the week and still tasted very yummy on Friday. My only two complaints were that the carrots were a little dry on Thursday and Friday, and the cheese would get a little “sweaty” the longer it sat in my backpack. However, I would still rate it a 4/5 because it was very tasty, relatively healthy, and kept me full throughout the school day. Not to mention, it took very little time to prep. Next time I make this, I might keep the carrots in the bag until the night before so they stay moist. However, this is my last inquiry post so I won’t be able to tell you guys if that works better! It makes me sad that this class is coming to an end. I had so much fun exploring different inquiries and technology resources. My personal inquiry (finding quick, easy, and healthy recipes that store well for multiple days) has taught me so much about how to be a university student on a budget. By meal prepping, I have learned to reduce my food costs by not eating out everyday, and reduce my time spent in the kitchen. It was so nice to have more time to work on school work at night (if I made meal prep for dinner as well) and sleep in more in the morning (because I could just grab my lunch and go). I’m really happy I chose this inquiry as it has taught me skills that will benefit me for the rest of my life, considering I have to eat everyday! Having a blog was such a fun way to demonstrate my technology learning and I am very grateful for Joanna’s creativity.
November 28, 2022 at 11:18 am
Hey Brynn, I love the idea of the adult Lunchable! This is a super smart idea for lunch prep, especially with how crazy our semester is right now. Is there anything else that you might change or add to this mini Lunchable to make it better for the future?
December 2, 2022 at 10:36 am
Hi Brynn,
This looks super yummy. I’ve done something similar to this before and every time I do eat it I always forget how good, meat, cheese and crackers are! Something I like to do when I do this, is have everything separated from each other either through a one big separated container or different containers (which is a lot lol).
December 3, 2022 at 12:21 pm
Hey Brynn! These were my favorite as a kid. I really need to give this a shot, thanks for the recommendation! Often with classes I just forget to bring lunch entirely so this is something I will definitely be making next semester.